EQ Solution



An app installed in the older person smartphone sends them suggestions to help with specific moods the user is feeling, this can help in preventing mental illnesses and monitoring. If concerning behavior goes on for 2 weeks a report is sent to the assigned caregiver to raise a red flag. The reading of the emotions is done by a HUB placed in the user’s place of living and has EQ Radio technology. EQ Radio technology can recognize emotions wirelessly by measuring the heartbeat and breathing pattern.



This project was developed in a multidisciplinary team, where I was the only UI/UX designer, also I was in charge of the managment of the team. I started with research on the target group and possible technology and then proceeded with a brainstorming session. Then as a team we defined the scope and decided upon the EQ radio technology. I defined the scenarios and the user journey, and developed the GUI of the apps (smartphone, smartwatch, and tablet) from the wireframes to the final design. We then presented the project to the client.


Methods Used

The main methods I used for this project were:

  • Research

  • Brainstorming

  • Journey map

  • Scenarios


Tools Used

The tools I used for this project were:

  • Sketch

  • Invision

  • Framer

  • Illustrator

  • Photoshop

  • Microsoft Teams