


The first task was to recreate the app as it was to have it in the archives and as a base for future changes in the app.

The second task involved the increase of time the users’ spend in the app listening to tracks. For this a design workshop was made and some high fidelity prototypes for some of the alternatives created during the workshop.


Current app

Home and track list divided in categories.


Filter and track detail.


New feature alternatives


Example of proposed new feature “Statistics”(Alt1).

Example of proposed new feature “Statistics”(Alt2).



I started working on this project as an in-house mission within Annevo. My first steps was to recreate the app as an interactive prototype in Figma for the Powermind archives as they didn’t have any design files for it. This allowed me to do an analysis, where I wrote down some improvement suggestions that might be taken into account for future iterations.

The aim was to add some new features that would increase the users’ engagement and time spent in the app. For this I co-prepared and organized (with one other UX designer) a design workshop with the stakeholders. The intention was to generate as many ideas as possible for me to refine into a prototype and also be able to prioritize the features so I would also have a specific path to follow.

After this I created a couple of high fidelity prototypes alternatives for the features chosen as a first iteration.


Methods used

The main methods I used for this project were:

  • Research

  • Benchmarking

  • Design workshop

  • Wireframing

  • Prototyping


Tools Used

The tools I used for this project were:

  • Figma

  • Illustrator

  • Miro