It’s an app that aids the user in finding relevant content depending on their physically location in a library through the proximity beacons placed in each section. With this app the library is able to promote specific books or themes and the users are able to find books that might be new for them.
Sci-fi section beacon.
When clicking on an item more details are shown, as well as suggestions.
Profile screen with queued items to read later.
App during user testing.
This project started when the team (3 software programmers and 2 designers UI/UX) received the brief with some requirements, we discussed the brief and decided to do surveys and talk to the users of the library to understand their needs. With the information gathered, I developed a journey map of the library user, with it a brainstorming and a sketchstorming session were done with the whole team to come up with diverse ideas as well as to agree on functionalities. I developed possible wireframes, with these I did short interviews to get feedback on both functionality and usability. From the results some modifications were made. With the resulting wireframes I developed the GUI and the defined the interactions and animations. I handed-over to the programmers who gave the app functionality. Then the other designer and I did usability testing. The usability testing was paired with think-aloud method and an interview. The finalized app was then presented.
iBeacons used and their sections.
Methods Used
The main methods used for this project were:
Journey Map
Usability testing
Tools Used
The main methods used for this project were: